06.06.2024 by Tess Zurawski

Optimize Your Umbraco Experience Without Using FTP Access

Maintaining a clean and efficient Umbraco application is crucial for optimal performance and security. However, there are situations where you might not have FTP access to your server. Whether you're working in a restricted environment or using a managed hosting service like Umbraco Cloud, it's important to know how to clean up your application without relying on FTP. Here’s a guide on how to achieve this efficiently.

Understanding the Need for Cleanup

Over time, an Umbraco application can accumulate unnecessary files, outdated content, and unused media. This can lead to:

  • Decreased Performance: Excessive files and data can slow down your application.
  • Security Risks: Unused files and outdated plugins can become security vulnerabilities.
  • Increased Storage Costs: Hosting services often charge based on storage usage, so it's beneficial to keep your application lean.

Steps to Optimize Your Umbraco Experience Without Using FTP Access

  1. Use the Umbraco Back Office

    The Umbraco back office provides several tools to help you manage and clean up your application:

    • Content Section: Review and delete outdated or unused content nodes. Make sure to check the "Recycle Bin" and permanently delete items to free up space.
    • Media Section: Remove unused media files. Umbraco does not automatically delete media files when content referencing them is deleted, so it's essential to manually review and clean up the media library.
  2. Leverage Umbraco's Built-In Tools

    Umbraco offers built-in tools that can help streamline the cleanup process:

    • Health Check Dashboard: Access the Health Check Dashboard under the "Settings" section. This tool helps you identify and fix common issues related to performance, security, and configuration.
    • Log Viewer: Use the Log Viewer to monitor and clean up log files. Large log files can consume significant storage space, so regularly clearing them can help maintain performance.
  3. Utilize Packages and Plugins

    There are several packages and plugins available that can assist with cleaning up your Umbraco application:

    • uSync: This package allows you to synchronize and clean up content, data types, and configurations across different environments. It helps ensure consistency and can be used to remove unnecessary elements.
    • UmbracoFileCleanup: A handy package that helps identify and remove orphaned media files that are no longer referenced by any content nodes.
  4. Scripted Cleanups

    If you have access to the Umbraco back office, you can use the built-in scripting console to execute cleanup scripts:

    • Scheduled Tasks: Set up scheduled tasks to run cleanup scripts periodically. This can help automate the process of removing old content, clearing caches, and optimizing the database.
    • Custom Scripts: Write custom scripts using the scripting console to perform specific cleanup operations tailored to your needs. For example, you can create a script to delete media items that haven’t been used for a certain period.
  5. Database Maintenance

    Regular database maintenance is crucial for a clean and efficient Umbraco application:

    • Optimize Tables: Use the database management tools provided by your hosting service to optimize database tables. This can help improve query performance and reduce storage space.
    • Backup and Prune: Regularly back up your database and prune old data that is no longer needed. This ensures that your database remains manageable and performant.
  6. Utilize Umbraco Cloud Features

    If you’re using Umbraco Cloud, take advantage of its built-in features for maintenance and cleanup:

    • Automatic Upgrades: Umbraco Cloud automatically manages upgrades and patches, ensuring your application stays up-to-date and secure without manual intervention.
    • Environment Management: Use the development, staging, and live environments to test and deploy changes. Regularly review and clean up the development and staging environments to avoid clutter.

Best Practices for Maintaining a Clean Umbraco Application

  • Regular Audits: Schedule regular audits of your content, media, and database to identify and remove unnecessary items.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed documentation of your cleanup processes and scripts. This ensures consistency and helps new team members understand your maintenance routines.
  • Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of your Umbraco application using tools like Google Analytics and server monitoring services. Address any performance issues promptly.


Cleaning up your Umbraco application without FTP access is entirely feasible using the tools and features available within the Umbraco back office and through additional packages and plugins. By regularly auditing your content, leveraging built-in tools, and performing database maintenance, you can ensure your application remains efficient, secure, and scalable. Embrace these practices to maintain a streamlined and high-performing Umbraco application, regardless of your access limitations. Contact Scandia with any further questions about your Umbraco back office today. 


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