08.02.2024 by Alexey Skosirskiy

Combating Spam with AI: Enhancing Umbraco Forms with GPT-4

In today's digital world, "Contact Us" forms are a critical touchpoint between businesses and their customers. However, even with security measures like captcha in place, these forms are often targets for spam submissions. While ReCaptcha helps, it's not infallible. To further enhance the robustness of our contact forms, we developed an AI-powered workflow using OpenAI's GPT-4 model, integrated into Umbraco Forms.

Understanding the Challenge

Despite the inclusion of a captcha, our customer continued to receive spam submissions through their contact form. Traditional methods can only go so far, leading us to explore advanced solutions. Enter AI, which is capable of processing and classifying data on a much deeper level, making it ideal for spam detection.

Our AI-Driven Solution

We decided to harness the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 model, renowned for its natural language processing capabilities, to analyze and filter form submissions in real time. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of our implementation:

Integration with Umbraco Forms

First, we integrated the AI Assistant workflow directly into Umbraco Forms, ensuring seamless data flow. The workflow captures each form submission and sends it to the GPT-4 model for analysis.

Utilizing the OpenAI API

The core of our solution leverages the OpenAI API. We set up an API call within our Umbraco Forms workflow, which sends the submission data to GPT-4 for evaluation. The model analyzes the content, identifying characteristics typical of spam.

Analyzing GPT-4 Responses

GPT-4 evaluates each submission based on its training data and patterns it has learned, providing a score or classification. We implemented a custom function to interpret these results, distinguishing genuine inquiries from spam.

Action Based on Evaluation

Depending on whether the submission was classified as spam or not, our workflow either logs the spam entry for further review or processes it as a legitimate inquiry. This dual-action ensures that all submissions are accounted for while minimizing spam clutter.

Continuous Learning

AI models like GPT-4 are continually learning. We improve the model's accuracy over time by feeding back both false positives and false negatives. This creates a feedback loop, enhancing the AI's effectiveness in detecting spam specific to our customer's context.

Benefits of Using GPT-4 for Spam Filtering

  • Enhanced Accuracy: The GPT-4 model provides a more nuanced analysis than traditional filters, reducing false positives and negatives.
  • Scalability: The solution can handle an increasing volume of submissions without a drop in performance.
  • Adaptive Filtering: As the AI encounters more data, it learns and adapts, improving its spam detection capabilities over time.
  • Seamless Integration: The API integration ensures that this advanced functionality fits smoothly within the existing Umbraco Forms infrastructure.


By leveraging the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 model, we've transformed our customer's contact form submission process, drastically reducing spam and improving the overall user experience. AI-driven workflows represent the future of digital form security, offering detailed and adaptive analysis that outperforms traditional methods.

If you're battling spam despite existing measures, consider incorporating AI into your workflow. It's a powerful tool that not only alleviates immediate concerns but also evolves with your needs to ensure long-term efficacy.

Stay tuned for more insights into how AI can revolutionize everyday business processes and enhance your digital presence. If you have any questions or need assistance with implementation, feel free to reach out to Scandia's experts!

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